A peek into my fantastically well-lived camera roll… Before you give up, think about why you held on for so long! In every change, in every falling leaf, there’s some pain and some beauty. #lockdowndiaries Be. Just be. Still. Let not the future Worry your heart. Put music to your troubles and you’ll find a way to twirl them away...#lockdowndiaries Life is a balance of holding on and letting go...#Lockdowndiaries Where flowers bloom, so does hope! Summer will come. And so will happiness. Hang on. Life will get beautiful🌸#Lockdowndiaries At the moment we may be floundering, temporarily suspended and lost in time but life will be beautiful very soon, back in all its colours or actually better and brighter colours, than before🌸 Droplets in swift run, trying hard not to still... Life is a balance of holding on and letting go...#Lockdowndiaries When nothing goes right, go left😊 #Lockdowndiaries The night descended slow. The Venus and the Moon walked down holding hand in hand... #lockdowndiaries उम्मीद की सूखी शाख़ पर - अब भी मुस्कुरा रही है ज़िंदगी - हसीन कुछ हरी हरी सी... Loaded with health, this no bread, multigrain potato sandwich is surely going to make you go all oohhs & aahhs...#lockdowndiaries In absence of the morning walks, music has come to my rescue! It’s my morning coffee, my mood medicine, food for my soul! I just love to inhale it and then share a bite with my better half❣️ The ocean forging it's own sea song! As the Sun goes down, he begins to fling his parting rays all across the sky; from horizon to zenith. He paints the cloud with his fiery pigments, and they glow with gorgeous colors! As the Sun drowns in the endless sea, it leaves the sky painted in a mix of warm colours and the palm tees stand as guards, protecting this lovely piece of art! Golden and yellow near the track of his disappearance, the hues change to boundless masses of burning amber, and scarlet melting into deep indigo, further up the dome of the sky. We are lucky to witness some of the most amazing sunsets from our terraces, nowadays, thanks to the reduced pollution levels cause of the lockdown. That beautiful mix of colors lighting up the sky is simply breathtaking. How amazing is it that these colors are put together so perfectly, resulting in a picturesque palette that lights up the sky in brilliance before everything goes completely dark. – is there really an artist in the skies, painting a beautiful picture of beauty and hope? I feel, a sunset is more than just a scientific phenomenon. It is a strong piece of evidence that somewhere out there, someone smiles down on us, knowing that at the end of the day, we need something that will remind us that everything is going to be okay💕 The edge of light that shines brightest holds a sliver of hope for a bright today and definitely a better tomorrow. सूखे इस शाख़-ए-गुल पर टिकी है किसी काशाने (nest) की उम्मीद -शैल फ़ासले ऐसे भी होंगे कभी सोचा न था... शैल पाँवे खड़ी कर लीतियाँ लख सलाखां, वक़्त दे परिंदे नू रोक सक्या न कोए... शैल Most beautiful view is the one I share with you! #lockdowndiaries Bulbul baby testing its wings for the first time Hazel's arrival in our life! Have you ever really held and looked at a bird? They're so full of wonder, surprise and love. They're not pets. They're closer to us than that! The unabandoned spirit of finding happiness out of nothingness... Imagine, if the Light you seek in your world were merely a reflection of your extraordinary Inner Light, just waiting to inspire you to see your beautiful self? -Sus Kongsbale Lausen Baby capsicum in mother nature's womb!! Sweet and savory, delicate rose pink macarons with a hint of mint A leaf writing it’s story on the sands of time... Anything is possible with sunshine and little pink🌸 Time itself comes in a drop. When life looks at you with a yellow eye. Rise above your higher self... RED is an attitude!! Radiating Happiness.🌼 It’s all about finding calm in the chaos!! Reflection! Dance to the beat of your own drum... Let your life lightly dance on the edges of time, like a dew rolling on a leaf... Finally found my axis-mundi to travel to the upper & lower realms... The earth laughs in flowers... Create what sets your heart on fire... Colour of Spanish mysteries... A Syrian Pizza with its own spices, sundried tomatoes & olives, ricola leaves, fresh tomatoes, Romano & kashkaval cheese on a base bread which is called ‘Saaj’ at Shakespeare & Co. It's just ultimate. Rise up to a beautiful morning🌸 A flower blossoms for its own joy... Enjoy every moment as it comes🌸 Summer Memories!!! baking memories in lane-o-nostalgia... Illumine from within... Keeping her beautiful colours under wraps & still looking gorgeous!! Friendship is the shadow of the evening which increases with the setting Sun of life!! Art of balancing... Sail away from the safe harbour.. Catch the trade winds in your sail... Explore..Dream..Discover -Mark Twain Let us be like the finest bamboo....bending but not breaking!! Condensed time caged in stretched days... Loved the natural backdrop provided to the bougainvillea by this coconut leaf that had fallen and dried...Flush of Love 💕 She crossed my path and changed my whole direction... Have the right spirit & you can be high on life for life!! Cheers🥂 Take life with a grain of salt plus a slice of lime & a shot of tequila 🍸 If it doesn't open, it ain't your door! It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are... I’m dreaming in colours borrowed from the sea... The duck-tective quacking up the case! Look what he found - The parrot slipping on two nickels and sliding them side ways. Now is that what you call parrot-dime-shift?🤔🤪 Our life - prior to social distancing!! बारिश की बूंदों सा इश्क़...