Scent of Life

The once salmon & bleak grey sky has long since darkened to familiar black. The relentless downpour of the morning has since tapered off into a soft drizzle which manages to paint the area in a strangely fanciful light. The light of the street lamps catches on the tiny droplets of water granting each lantern a delicate golden aura, and for a few moments, the strangeness of the city vanishes from my mind.

As the tedious day sluggishly comes to an end , the warm glow from the lamp posts, gradually subsides, ever so subtly , filling the shadow-emitted sky with a pleasant silence.
A trembling gush of wind inaudibly drifts across the skyline, bringing with it whiff of rain kissed earth, compelling me to inhale deeply...a loamy mix of freshly chopped timber, wet twigs, tree sap, moist earth & faintest hint of salty sea. How I love this sweet earthy essence —scent of life itself!

The heady fragrance opens gate to flood of childhood memories, as they tumble over each other, tickling my heart & mind we used to tear papers from our notebooks to float paper boats in the tiny rivulets running down the streets; the fun of splashing in the puddles formed on the roads (with school shoes on); the excitement of heavy rains coupled with electricity failure, darkened classrooms & no studies; beautiful weather always being synonymous to singing old romantic numbers & rains especially to relishing hot masala tea with crispy pakodas & sweet malpuas prepared lovingly by Maa.

Today, in this city of dreams, taking a walk on the cobbled road, am yet again left in awe at the myriad life lessons, nature has in its kitty, to offer us. All we need to do is, take a pause, absorb, enjoy, reflect upon them and be thankful for each one of them.


A Diya-maker’s Diwali


Jelaluddin Rumi and Shams of Tabrizi