Start Living The Life Of Your Dreams

How many of us have stopped chasing our dreams?
How many of us have avoided pursuing our passion because of fear?
Fear of failure, fear of what others will think, fear of moving out of our comfort zone?
How many of us are being held back by false boundaries, old beliefs, and limitations of our past?
How many of us have squashed some brilliant ideas, because we decided to flesh them out and shelved them, telling ourselves, we’ll get to them ‘someday’ but we never did?
Worse, how many of us are living our lives because of someone else’s opinions and expectations?
What would we do if money wasn’t a factor? 
It’s one of those questions that we often brush aside because, quite frankly, money is a factor. But most often than not we focus so much on making money that we start confusing it with living and in the process let life just go by.
Living your dreams is more than being rich. It’s the belief that you are living a life aligned with your purpose. Choose the calling that’s close to your heart, that kindles your inner joy, that makes you look forward to waking up each morning!
Imagine waking up every morning excited and inspired to go to work…?
So, when faced with the greatest dilemma — passion or paycheck, think of these golden words by an icon of success, Steve Jobs -
 “Follow your passion, and the money will come.”
Passion leads you to Happiness.
Just marry the two and nothing can stop you from being successful!



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