Be Strong

Life is tough and things will go wrong
It's so easy to give up but you have to be strong
You have to accept what life throws at your face
No one gives a hoot, who failed or who won the race

Oft’ time things will be too hard to bear
When you need them the most, they may not be there
Why brood that it never meant a thing to them
A million other people right now might be feeling just the same

Relax, let go and just let life happen
Not all that you plan is meant to be
When the path ahead seems all dark and gloomy
Hold on! The weather can not remain forever stormy

Sometimes you are assigned a mountain
To show others it can be moved
Just when you think, you’ve had enough
Know, when there’s a big down, there’s always a bigger up

So don't worry about the obstacles in the journey
Or there appears only darkness as far as eyes can see
Cause only in the darkness can you see the stars
Just believe in yourself
And know it’s true
Tough times don’t last but tough people do!


The Wise Old Log


A Star