A Star


Under the twinkling light
I lay with eyes wide open 
Gazing at a twinkle here
A twinkle there
Wondering if I could stretch my arm
And pluck these beauties
Caress them
Ride them
Float my way
Into the dark sky
Guided by their sheen
Lighting up the heavenly skies

Stepping out of my darkness
I can't help but draw a parallel
With the tiny twinkle
Timidly flickering inside me
Unknown and unseen 
Behind the hazy clouds of life
Constantly trying to sparkle and shine

Ain't we, each one of us
A star, in our own being
A mere dot, trying to outshine ourselves
On the bleak, black, vastness of life
Sketching our shining glory
But in the face of the Sun
Ending up as a faded story

Why let the power of Sun
Deter Me
Time for the star inside me
To twinkle bright
Why worry about lightening up the entire world
Why worry about twinkling my way to glory
Maybe I cannot be the powerful Sun
But I am a star
With my own starry story
A star to someone in this world
A star with the power to put a twinkle
In someone’s eyes...


Be Strong


I Need To Break Free…