LOCKDOWN — A key to unlock happiness!


Today as I stepped out into my balcony to greet the morning Sun, a mango leaf came floating by, dancing in the air, as if supported by the rays of the glorious Sun. In a corner, on the railing, a pair of pigeons were making out, joyous to the core, as if celebrating life. Chhotu, next door house help, washing the cars, was whistling to himself, cheerful as ever, as if there existed not a single worry in the world. They all were simply rejoicing in that moment, completely oblivious to the unchecked anxiety over the extended lockdown.

And this made me think, instead of getting paranoia over something that’s beyond our control, having sleepless nights over it, why not start enjoying each moment as it comes. There’s beauty all around us, we just need to tune ourselves to it. Imagine, as we dust away a speck of snow from our jacket, how it swirls around in the wind, glistens in the morning sun, and, like winter, slowly fades away. The grains or flakes of snow may be small, but they can quickly pile up and cover the landscape. So it is with life’s little pleasures. They may be little, but they are not without significance. They pile up, swirl around us, and bathe us with joy.

Take the time to enjoy the little things, such as wake up early to morning sun beams peeking through the clouds, to gentle cool breeze, to golden light softly erasing all darkness, filled with the promise of a new beginning. Take this time to bond with your family, surprise your special someone, who is ensuring smooth running of house even in these tough times, to breakfast in bed; catch and make a note of all of your baby’s first as you no more have to rush to office, leaving him with a nanny; sit in the balcony with the wiser lot, our oldies and spend some nostalgic moments together — listening to how good life was, back in their times; play antakshari, dumb charades, carrom, cards, chess involving every member in the house or just be with yourself, enjoying your own company — with your favourite book, observing a squirrel dart down a tree headfirst or listening to birds warble against a backdrop of crimson sun melting down the horizon. Your ‘me-time’ is the most crucial hour of the day and you should make the most of it doing what makes your heart dance with joy and as night draw it’s curtain, fall asleep with your limbs intertwined around those of your loved one, placing all your worries to ‘rest in peace’, outside your home.

We need to do or experience something everyday that makes our soul sing. Experiencing little pleasures is merely about being attuned to life. I like how Robert Holden’s puts it : “First you believe, and then you see the Light. Next, you go toward the Light. Soon, you are in the Light. Now you are the Light.” Any suffering that comes our way never disbalances a joyful soul. It may sound funny but not to be joyous is almost to be sacrilegious, for as The Talmud teaches, “A person will be called to account on Judgment Day for every permissible thing he might have enjoyed but did not.” haha

Life is not permanent and neither is any joyous experience or for that matter grief. Search for little moments of happiness, you’ll find plenty even while in quarantine. Most importantly, drop all that lack-thinking. It is what it is. We’re all in this together. The best thing we can do for ourselves is to be loving, kind, compassionate, and grateful. Life is a gift. You just need to look for the reasons to celebrate it. Figure out, the right key to unlock a world of happiness that’s waiting to explode, in guise of this lockdown.

April 16, 2020


Locked, But Not Down


Take This Time To Track Who You Miss, What You Miss!