Take This Time To Track Who You Miss, What You Miss!


In Sharad Navratras, last year, while I was fasting, I craved for some nice Navratra thaali. Me & Gazal, my daughter, went all the way to Select City Walk in Saket to try Sattvik’s thaali. AWESOME ‘is’ the word. (don’t feel like using past tense😊)
I especially clicked pic of empty thaali, which normally we don’t do, just to prove how delish it was! Literally finger licking delicious, right down to the last morsel.
Me & my daughter, made a silent pact, that we would come back to have this 'thaali', in the next navratras. Navratras are here, it’s the sixth one today and I had simple home made samak rice and sabudana khichdi. Both tasted amazing but I was just reflecting on, how unpredictable life is!
Who would have thought six months back or for that matter even six weeks back, that the entire world can come under lockdown.
‘Quarantine’, that up until now we had read only in novels or heard of in movies that too for prisoners in detention camps, today has become the most commonly used word, globe over.
Ironically, technology that’s always been vilified as the culprit of ‘loneliness epidemic’, break-ups, divorces - that very same technology is now coming to our rescue. People are taking to social media to host kirtans, birthday parties, even happy hours on platforms like Zoom!!
Distance is not a metaphor.
In a universe of Facebook friends, Instagram likes, Twitter followers, the hierarchies of love and life used to seem flat. Even to me. But they aren’t. They are physical and real and they matter. The lives of our tribes live in us, and our pattern of meaning is hardwired in ways sometimes difficult to see.
Take this time to track who you miss, what you miss. Sometimes a little bit of removal gives a lot of perspective!


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