Stars Come Back To Delhi’s Night Sky…


(Please excuse the poor picture quality as they have been taken from an iPhone)

Today, looking up at the night sky, I felt a sense of nostalgia. I can't remember when I last saw ORION so clearly in Delhi sky. Been almost thirty-five years now, when I used to watch the milky way, lying on my bed (on the terrace) at night and drifting into the magical & mystical world of stars!
As a kid, gazing at sky was my favourite past time. I loved finding shapes amongst the cotton soft clouds during the day but it was the night sky studded with stars, that fascinated me to no end. It summoned me to gaze at its magnificent beauty and reminded me of how insignificant we were!
I remember dreaming with open eyes about the stories of constellations coming to life😊😊

And today was no different!!
Looking at night sky, I felt the same gravitational pull, tugging at my soul!
Do you share similar feelings, when you are gazing at pollution free Delhi night sky, studded with stars? Does it bring a sense of nostalgia? Do share in the comments below👇🏻


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