
or is it Monday-Mango-Mania ?


What does summer look and feel like in your city?
Here, in Delhi May is madness though this time, the madness is taking little longer than usual to arrive! We are almost midway into May but frequent draughts of wind and downpour has put sweat, thirst and longing for a refreshing beverage under lockdown. Even though the season has not ripened to its peak but ubiquitous with the sweltering, sultry days of summer and flooding the market, is everyone’s favourite - Mangoes! I’ll correct myself, it's actually the kachchi kairi, or raw mango, that's etched in all of our summer memories, as strongly as are the scorching winds, the uncomfortable heat and the relentless Sun. Today's detox water is inspired by our favourite summer cooler, 'kairi ka panna' but I prefer to call it, 'My Little Jar Of Sunshine". I promise, it will refresh, rejuvenate and restore you like never before.



1 raw mango cut into wedges (I prefer with skin as visually it's more appealing)

2 sprigs of curry leaves

1 inch of ginger

1/2 inch of raw turmeric

1/2 tsp of roasted cumin seeds

3  litres water

Combine all the ingredients in 3 litres of cold water in a mason jar or let it sit to refrigerate for 2 hours. While curry leaves combined with raw mango will give that special kick to this detox drink, the remaining three condiments will create a flavorful, spicy mix that your tastebuds will surely love.

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Raw mangoes are extremely beneficial in treating blood disorders because of their high Vitamin C content. They contain Vitamin B that helps you retain good health. Raw mangoes also contain Vitamin A and Vitamin E that balances your hormonal system. Unripe mangoes help in treating liver disorders because they increase the secretion of bile acids and clean the intestines of bacterial infections. They also help with indigestion and constipation problems and prevent excessive loss of water from the body.
Curry Leaves are anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, antioxidant and are also good for your liver.
Cumin seeds are anti-carcinogenic, regulates metabolism and improves your digestion.
Ginger helps to ease a queasy stomach. Its loaded with antioxidants, is anti-inflammatory and even helps in easing the menstrual cramps. A daily dose of ginger can help you battle your “bad” or LDL cholesterol levels.
Lastly raw turmeric! This bright orange root is being used in our traditional medicinal system for over thousands years. Even today it is our go-to food for various home remedies, whether it's for topical application or for ingestion. I have made this golden spice an essential ingredient for our today's detox drink because it's health benefits range from getting our antioxidant fix to strengthening our immunity. Drinking turmeric in any form helps in building our immunity, improving skin, hair health, provides relief from aches flu and swelling. The list is endless!
Name of today’s detox drink is inspired from this wonder root only.
Every time you pour yourself a tall glass of this tangy thirst quencher, do raise a toast to a “healthy you!”


Apple Cinnamon Detox Drink

