Apple Cinnamon Detox Drink


Heyyy, we are on day 5 of our seven-day-seven-different-detox-drinks plan.
I hope some of you have dived into the detox water craze by now and eagerly await my next detox post! So fellas, how's it going? Has our good 'ole H2O with new twists and turns, been able to rev up your metabolism? Helped you lose some weight? Or most importantly, made you feel amazing? Are you able to happily guzzle the standard eight glasses of water per day, as you learn to become a water mixologist with me? If yes, let's proceed to Day 5!

Today's detox drink, Apple Cinnamon Detox Water is the quickest and simplest to make. All we need is:
1 medium sized apple
2-3 cinnamon sticks
3 litres water
Slice the apple and along with 2-3 cinnamon sticks, drop it in 3 litres of cold water, or let this water sit in a refrigerator for two hours. Feel free to add additional apple slices or cinnamon if you prefer a stronger taste. You can use any apple you like, but be sure to use cinnamon sticks as opposed to the grounded cinnamon. Why? Well, it'll make the water murky and not very pleasing to look at!


Coming to the vital part, why apples & cinnamon?
We all have grown up listening to a very popular saying, “An apple a day, keeps the.....!” See, you know it. 😄
Apples are great for you! They decrease your risk of diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Cancer, and Diabetes. Apples also reduce cholesterol, detoxify your liver, boosts your immune system and aids weight loss among other great things.
Looking for the health benefits of cinnamon? They are nothing short of astonishing! From lowering bad cholesterol to relieving arthritis pain, cinnamon is also useful in treating muscle spasms, vomiting, diarrhea, infections, the common cold, loss of appetite, and may lower blood sugar in people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. It strengthens your metabolism and improves brain function. Pretty good stuff, neh?

This no calories-delightfully-delicious-detox water is great for getting rid of harmful toxins from your body and inching towards a ‘flat-belly’. On this note, enjoy the taste of fall in summers as A.C.D.D puts the ‘spring’ back in your steps and you move through the day, lighter in body and brighter in spirits!


Kiwi, Lemongrass and Mint Detox Water

