Sprightly-Saturday- Detox-Drink


What a beautiful sight! Jar of deliciousness sitting daintily amidst nature, drinking in all the surrounding colours! Ain't it looks like a work of art?


Cucumbers, Lime, Strawberries and Fresh Mint Detox Water: it's one of my favourite combination. The cucumber, mint and lime give that refreshing taste and the strawberries add a touch of natural sweetness.
If you want stronger flavor, you can muddle the mix-ins (mush them up) before pouring in your decanter.

Micronutrients from strawberries, lime and mint help to flush out the toxins from the body and helps to improve skin tone. Our fat cells get released naturally on consuming this water. It helps us to sweat more during exercise and also acts as a muscle relaxant, post workout.


Like I said, it's one of my favorite combinations, not only because it tastes yummy, has multiple health benefits but because it just looks so darn pretty! I’m a visual person, and I really think there is something in my head that says, “Hey, that’s pretty, I want to drink that!” and makes it more appealing than just regular ole water.😁
I end up drinking my daily requirement of water pretty easily.

Let's Cheers To Our New Sprightly Saturday Drink!




Friday: Fragrant-Rosemary-Pineapple-Detox-Water