Pondering The Possibility


I love the Sunrise
Its seductive rays
Inching themselves across life's contours
Inviting darkness out of the corners
As the night recedes
Leaving the day smooth and untracked
Like the tide-soothed sands along the shore

I stand on my terrace
The morning light holds steadfast
A dull glow in the face of clouds
The Sun is hidden
But the day begins to settle
Subtle and persevering
Above the busy households

Below, the road stretches itself
Tight across the terrain
The cars make their daily journeys
Glistening with possibilities
Changing directions
Sometimes taking the wrong exit
To the left or right

Ah! the possibility
Of the uncut tree
All the blank pages it holds
The unwritten words
That will carve their way into

The unopened gifts of the morning
Untrammeled untraveled
Unimagined unseen
Unsounded unmet
The terra firma still wet
With the falling rain-drops
Lost to the ground

Where do the drops go dry to
As the Sun peels off
The ordinariness of it all
What will this day reveal
What will the Sun let fall
How does one leave
Without leaving behind
How can I write the words
And let the tree stand…


इस मन का मैं क्या करूँ?


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