Lime n Lemony Cucumber Detox Drink


Thanks to the lockdown, we have been rewarded with clearer skies, cleaner rivers and improved air quality. But just two months back, things were not the same! Wherever we'd look, we couldn't help but hear stories about toxins, GMO's, poisoned water, polluted air, contaminated food and some of it is, still pretty much the same. I shudder at the thought, when I think of all the chemicals that enter our bodies on daily basis. We are living in a toxic environment. Over the years, our bodies accumulate these nasty little toxins that often affect our health. That is why it is important to detox our body every now and then. To give our system a break and get rid of some of the bad chemicals before they take roots in our body. It is almost like cleaning out the cache on our computer or refreshing our browser. Every once in a while our body also needs servicing. For the mind we can meditate and for the body we can detox. The simplest way to banish the toxins from our bodies, are these homemade detox water recipes.  

Those of you who've diligently followed the seven-days-detox-water plan, I'm sure, water would no longer remain the same! Plain...No; Boring...Definitely Not! That’s right, folks…admittedly, I too have been late to join the bandwagon, but now that I'm on board, I can say with certainty that infused water is a sure shot way to look fantastic and feel healthy. Once hooked, you will want your water to be infused with fruit and/or herbs! It’s so refreshing, quick to make and has enough flavor to encourage you drink far more water than you normally will; which in turn will boost your health, aid hydration, and will help to keep your vital organs in good condition.


Keeping it fairly simple for our last day - Lime n Lemony Cucumber Detox Drink flavoured with Aromatic Mint. Cucumber water has been around for a very long time – years before the infused water craze began. Not only is this simple recipe yummy, but cucumbers and limes look oh so pretty when sliced and placed neatly in a pitcher of water and ice. And you can create this pitcher of goodness in a jiffy. All you require is:
1 cucumber, scrubbed and sliced
1 sweet lime, scrubbed and sliced
4-5 sprigs of fresh mint, washed & bruised
1/2 lime, scrubbed & sliced (optional)
3 litres of water
Place sliced cucumber, lemon, sweet lime and mint sprigs in a mason jar. Pour water, cover and refrigerate for two hours or overnight for best results. This delicately flavored minty-lemony-cucumber water is just perfect to keep you cool and hydrated, all summer long!  

I've already discussed benefits of lime and mint in my previous posts so today, I will focus only on cucumbers.
Cucumbers are one of the most underrated ingredients around, even though they have so many health benefits. They’re really low in calories and high in fiber, which makes them an ideal addition to your diet during weight loss because they fill you up and keep you feeling satiated for quite long. Among their many health benefits, cucumbers are a great source of vitamin B, rich in potassium and magnesium (which may help to lower blood pressure), and have even been known to fight cancer. They contain polyphenols called lignans, which may help to lower risk of certain types of cancer including ovarian, breast, and prostate cancer. They also contain an anti-inflammatory flavonol called “fisetin” which studies have shown to help improve brain health.
Sweet Limes are rich in vitamin C, supports digestion and are great for amping up your immune system.

From berries to citrus to cucumber and herbs, I’ve tried to cover as much as I could in the past seven days, sharing with you some of my favourite detox drinks to keep you refreshed through the summers. My seven-day-seven-different-detox-drinks, series end here but your detox journey begins henceforth! All you now need to do is - combine your plain H2O with proven fat-burning superfoods to create a new health cocktail that energizes you and makes you feel lighter, as you sip it through the day. Your body is going to love absorbing these power ingredients, as it gets a healthy cleanse. So have fun, experiment with your favorite add-ons, stay cool, and drink up this summer. 


Few last tips for perfectly infused water

  • Use ripe fruits. The riper the fruit is, the more intense is the flavor. (make sure, fruit has not gone bad)

  • When using herbs (like mint), bruise them first. This will impart a richer flavour. (use mortar & pestle, or simply crush the leaves in your hands)

  • Let the infused water refrigerate overnight. The longer it chills, better the nutrients infuse and the taste also gets intensified.

  • If need be, muddle some of the fruits to help them release their flavors.

  • Citrus fruit lasts longer but to avoid bitter taste, peel off the rind.

  • If you are happy with the taste of your water, remove the fruits from the water. (when left for a longer period, fruits tend to decompose in water and gives a bad taste)

  • If you want to let the fruits in the water, keep the bottle/jar in the fridge to avoid water from turning bad.


Nawabi Celebrations During Lockdown


Kiwi, Lemongrass and Mint Detox Water